Law of Attraction Quotes by Famous Persons

Law of Attraction Quotes by Famous Persons for Success

If you’re looking to lift up your life, turn your head towards Law of Attraction quotes by famous persons. One needs to understand the content of the attractor’s quotation to fully appreciate the Life Quotes by Famous People About Success that have greatly boosted their confidence and self-esteem.

As I have suggested, the law of attraction has consistently been proven to help me attain what I desire in my life.

For Sure, the law of attraction is a law that you can make use of to achieve everything that you set your eyes and heart into. With the power of positive thinking, you can create your future the way you envisioned it. The law of attraction quotes by famous persons and writers? The law of attraction quotes by famous persons and popular personalities? The law of attraction quotes by famous persons and dignitaries? The law of attraction quotes by famous persons and those who are alive? The law of attraction is quoted by famous people who have been successful in their attempts?.

I will share with you some of the most profound words of great people on the subject of the law of attraction.

Transformative Law of Attraction Quotes by Famous Persons

Any successful person having some quotation is likely to provide some inspiration.

Everyone knows how effective the law of attraction is which infuses great things in our lives. But did you know that some of the greatest thinkers in history have also employed the law of attraction in order to become successful?

According to the law of attraction, we bring into our lives anything we focus on and give energy to. The law enables us to bring anything that we plan or work to achieve into reality. In essence, whenever you think about a person or thing that you want to manifest in your life, you are giving that person or thing the energy of your thoughts and emotions. Law of attraction quotes by famous persons and celebrities?

That is why I have gathered the best law of attraction quotes from famous persons that will motivate me to make my life better, healthier, and more successful.

1. “We attract to ourselves that which we are.” โ€“ Ralph Waldo Emerson

2. “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” โ€“ Benjamin Franklin

3. “To achieve success in life, let the person who wants to achieve a goal have the goal.” โ€“ Unknown

4. “For great accomplishments, there are two things that are necessary: a plan and the almost sufficient amount of time.” โ€“ Leonard Bernstein

5. “Be grateful for what you have; you will end up having more. If you focus on what you donโ€™t have, you will never, ever have enough.” โ€“ Oprah Winfrey

6. โ€œThereโ€™s no โ€˜Iโ€™ in โ€˜teamโ€™.โ€ โ€“ Michael Jordan

7. โ€œThere is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.โ€ โ€“ Buddha

8. “My education is the only thing that stands in the way of my learning.โ€ โ€“ Albert Einstein

9. โ€œWhenever you want to step out in the world, always choose the high road.โ€ โ€“ Frank Sinatra

10. โ€œWhen you live creatively, you live a creative life.โ€ โ€“ Norman Vincent Peale

11. โ€œIt is never enough for that person who is not happy with what he already has.โ€ โ€“ Unknown

12. โ€œTraveling, whether on foot or by plane, is what brings you happiness, city, or country. It’s practical.โ€ – Louis L’Amour

13. “‘ If you are not a success at home, you will never be a success anywhere.’ โ€“ This was stated by Maya Angelouโ€ – Martin Angelou

14. โ€œThe Second best time is now because the other time to plant a tree was 20 years ago โ€“ a wise Chinese quote goes.โ€ – Chinese Proverbs

15. “Your commitment to action is the end to which we seek out leaders.โ€ – Mahatma Gandhi

16. “Take a long good look at yourself, it is that you will be ready to change the world.โ€ – Dalai Lama

17. โ€œThis is a basic principle in life โ€˜You fail to plan then you are planning to failโ€™.โ€ – Benjamin Franklin

18. “Being part of those who live somewhere in between failure and success is maybe one of our greatest fears.โ€ – Marianne Williamson

19. “Sitting around waiting for the storm to pass is the worst decision one can make.โ€ – Anonymous

20. “True, it just takes failure of one to reach the stars.” – Unknown

21. “Wait long enough for the room to change. Or, be patient.” – Unknown

22. โ€œSight is one but vision is another.โ€ – Henry David Thoreau

23. โ€œPlaying small doesn’t include any passion. Settling for a life that is less than what you can live is not something anyone wants to doโ€ โ€“ Nelson Mandela

24. โ€œLife would be easier If a plan were made for oneself because it is very likely that one would get dragged into someone elseโ€™s plan for them. And let me tell you, they have not prepared much for youโ€ โ€“ Jim Rohn

25. โ€œRemember, If you wish to make any decision at all, the law of attraction will be there to take command, regardless of whether you are conscious of this law or not.” โ€“ Brian Tracy

26. โ€œAll the thoughts, words and actions that come out from a person have some sort of a repercussion, what a person is doing, saying or even thinking is endorsing their forthcoming actionโ€ Abraham-Hicks

27. โ€œBeing At Peace within oneself is a Pre-requisite to being at peace with other peopleโ€ Eckhart Tolle

28.โ€œHaving said that answering the question, how should one lead their life? Is where a lot of people struggle, and understandably as well. After all, it is quite common to seek happiness in everything you do, and many people require love, Money, Family, and even Healthy thingsโ€ Les Brown

29. “If you don’t see what you want in life, you won’t get it. If you keep thinking about what you don’t want, you won’t be able to create it.” Wayne Dyer

30. “All you need to do is focus your attention on what you want, and believe that you already have it. You can’t take credit for the good things in your life; you must let the universe know that you’re ready to accept them.” Les Brown

31. “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” Deepak Chopra

32. “We are the author of our own lives. We attract to us whatever we are thinking about, feeling, desiring, and believing. All things are possible for those who believe.” Neale Donald Walsch

33. “He who does not read good books has no advantage over he who can’t read them.” Thomas Jefferson

34. “As long as you have faith in yourself, faith in your dreams, then the universe has no choice but to have faith in you as well.” Oprah Winfrey.

35. “Your thoughts, feelings, wants and even your beliefs play a huge role in your mindset.” James Allen.


Law of attraction quotes are a nice way to help you start your day as well as encourage yourself to achieve your target in life. Law of attraction motivation quotes can keep the people inspired and determined through the course of the day where eventually they will feel better about themselves and their surroundings. Additional Insights: Law of Attraction Quotes by the Most Popular People. These Law of Attraction quotes are compiled from great people who themselves have witnessed the effectiveness of the Law of Attraction. These quotes are suitable for all whether you are new or advanced level. I hope you will get inspired by the portions.

Khizer Tariq<span class="bp-verified-badge"></span>

Khizer Tariq

Khizer Tariq is a Copywriter, SEO executive, and tech enthusiast with more than 8 years experience. He is running popular blogs in the traveling, mobile & pc gaming, technology, banking & finance, education, and motivational speakers industries. Moreover, KT is teaching and making helpful content on different platforms like Facebook & youtube. You can follow Khizer Tariq onย Linkedin,ย Facebook,ย Twitter,ย Pinterest,ย Instagram.

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