5 Powerful Answer the Public Alternatives

SEO Secrets: 5 Powerful Answer the Public Alternatives: Top Tools for 2024

Not paying attention to SEO means you’re missing out on good chances for your business. Your company must be good at search engine optimization (SEO) to do well online. Yes!.

SEO ensures your website shows up near the top when people search on Google and other search engines. That way, potential customers can find you easily when looking for what you offer.

To get started with SEO, you need the right software. One popular tool is Answer the Public. It helps with things like building links, marketing your content, finding keywords, and checking out your competition. But sometimes it might not give you all the information you need because it’s not very customizable.

If you’re looking for an answer to the public alternative for your SEO team in 2024, here are some options I’ve picked out for you.

Looking for a free Answer the Public alternative? Several options exist, including “answer the public alternative free” tools. Explore SEO keyword planner alternatives and question research tools. Consider long-tail keyword research techniques and user journey mapping for effective SEO strategy. Understanding searcher queries and search intent analysis are vital for optimizing your content.

Before checking those out, let’s understand what to look for in answer to the public alternative,

So let’s start!

What to Look for in Alternatives to Answer the Public?

Answer the Public collects ideas and insights from search engine data. If you want something similar, look for these features in other tools:

1. Good keyword research

Find a tool that helps you discover the best keywords to attract new customers.

2. On-page SEO help

Look for tools that give you tips on how to improve things on your website, like the title of your pages and what your content is about.

3. Checking links

Make sure the tool can find broken links on your website and help you get new links from other websites.

4. Checking out the competition

Find a tool that can tell you what your competitors are doing, like what keywords they’re using and who’s linking to their website.

5. AI-powered tools

Some tools use artificial intelligence to help you with SEO. They can do things like analyze keywords, improve your content, and make your website more user-friendly. This can help you show up more in searches and keep people interested in what you offer.

Now it’s time to explore some best alternatives to answer the public.

Answer the Public Alternative

Looking for an Answer the Public alternative? NP Digital offers a free application similar to Answer the Public by NP Digital. Their AI tool, with advisors’ insights, aids in on-page SEO, technical SEO audit, content optimization, link building, and backlink analysis. Beginners and website owners can improve website ranking with SEO basics and avoid common mistakes. SEO is vital for digital marketing success.

Check out these top 5 alternatives to Answer the Public for improving your website’s visibility:

1. Semrush

2. Ahrefs

3. Moz

4. Ubersuggest

5. SE Ranking

1. Semrush


Semrush is my favorite because I use it myself, and many SEO experts also love it. It helps us find the right keywords and see how well our competitors are doing. One great feature of Semrush is that it shows where a website ranks compared to others. This is helpful for businesses to know how they’re doing online.

Another thing I like about Semrush is that it helps with building links and figuring out what to write about. It also has tools for making sure your website is doing well in search engines like Google.

Key Features

  • You can check out other websites to see how much traffic they get and what keywords they’re using.
  • They have a tool called Keyword Magic that helps you find good keywords.
  • You can do a check-up on your website to see if any problems might hurt your search engine ranking.
  • You can compare your website to others to see where you can improve.

But, some people don’t like Semrush because it can be expensive for smaller businesses. And, some say it’s a bit hard to learn because it has a lot of tools.

How much it costs?

  • Pro: $129.95 per month
  • Guru: $249.95 per month
  • Business: $499.95 per month

2. Ahrefs


Ahrefs is a tool used by many SEO experts. It helps them understand what words people type into Google when they search. This can be helpful to know what your competitors are doing and to fix any issues on your website.

Ahrefs is good because it can keep track of many words that people search for. This can help you plan what to put on your website and make it better. If you’re thinking of using something other than Answer the Public, Ahrefs could be a good option.

Key Features

  • You can check how healthy your website is and find any mistakes using the Site Explorer.
  • You can see which content is performing the best and find places to add links to your website.
  • You can learn a lot about what people search for and who links to other websites.
  • You can find many different words to use and see how difficult it is to rank them.

How much it costs?

  • Lite: $99
  • Standard: $299
  • Advanced: $999

3. Moz


Moz is a fantastic resource for bloggers who want to learn about SEO. It offers free tools to help with things like building links, improving webpage performance, and finding the best keywords for your content.

One of the best tools Moz provides is the Keyword Explorer. It has a big database of SEO phrases and can suggest keywords to help your content rank better in search results.

If you’re serious about SEO, Moz has paid tools like Moz Pro and Moz Local that offer even more features. If you’re willing to spend some money, Moz can be a great answer to the public alternative.

Key Features

  • Use Moz Pro to check your website for technical SEO issues every week.
  • Keep track of your website’s Domain Authority (DA) score, which predicts how well your site will perform in search engine results.
  • Get ideas for your content by looking at what topics are popular on other top-ranking websites.
  • Create custom reports to see how your SEO efforts are paying off.

How much it costs?

  • Free: 1 month/user
  • Standard: $99/month
  • Medium: $179/month
  • Large: $299/month
  • Premium: $599/month

4. Ubersuggest


Ubersuggest is a tool for helping small businesses and solo entrepreneurs manage their website’s SEO and content. It’s easy to use and works as a Chrome extension.

With Ubersuggest, you get your own dashboard. Yes! Where you can find good keywords for your website, check your site’s technical health, and find new websites that could link to yours.

Key Features

  • Pinpoint the web pages driving optimal SEO traffic for both your site and competitors.
  • Stay updated with daily notifications regarding ranking changes and crucial SEO issues through your dashboard.
  • Analyze SEO data for any visited site using the Chrome extension.
  • Obtain valuable keyword insights to enhance your website’s visibility and organic traffic with data-driven decisions.

How much it costs?

  • Individual: $12/month
  • Business: $20/month
  • Enterprise: $40/month

5. SE Ranking

SE Ranking

SE Ranking stands out as a viable answer the public alternative. Yes! It offers a comprehensive set of tools for SEO to enhance your website’s search engine visibility. It enables you to analyze keyword metrics, check rankings, inspect backlinks, perform website audits, and evaluate the SEO performance of individual pages.

SE Ranking gives you data on both free and paid traffic to your site. Moreover, it tracks keyword rankings and provides optimization suggestions for each page or blog post to improve SEO.

Just remember, SE Ranking might not give you as much info on social media and ads, though.

Key Features

  • Enhance your web pages or blog posts with AI-powered recommendations.
  • Conduct thorough keyword research and identify related long-tail keywords.
  • Execute a comprehensive website audit to detect any issues that might impact your search rankings.
  • Analyze your current referral traffic and scrutinize your competitors’ referrals to uncover their backlink origins.

How much it costs?

  • Essential: $55 per month
  • Pro: $109 per month
  • Business: $239 per month

Summing Up

You’ve seen that there are many tools out there, not just one. Lots of marketing experts use different tools for SEO and keyword research.

However, In my point of view, these 5 tools outlined above are the best answer to the public alternatives.

Remember, good SEO tools play a vital role in monitoring competitors, refining your website, and crafting engaging content tailored to your audience, all of which contribute to improved rankings.

So, when you’re looking for tools like Answer the Public, pick the one that works best for you and your business.

Khizer Tariq<span class="bp-verified-badge"></span>

Khizer Tariq

Khizer Tariq is a Copywriter, SEO executive, and tech enthusiast with more than 8 years experience. He is running popular blogs in the traveling, mobile & pc gaming, technology, banking & finance, education, and motivational speakers industries. Moreover, KT is teaching and making helpful content on different platforms like Facebook & youtube. You can follow Khizer Tariq on Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram.

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