How Much Does an SEO Audit Cost?

How Much Does an SEO Audit Cost | Insights and Pricing Guide

An SEO audit helps find problems that could hurt how well your website appears on search engines. You can use free online tools to do a basic audit. But, For a more detailed check, you might need a proper SEO audit. But do you know how much does an SEO audit cost?

If you don’t know how much it costs, let’s find out together! Yes! The cost of an SEO audit varies depending on factors like the provider, scope, and complexity. On average, it can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. The duration typically spans from a few days to a couple of weeks. Factors like the depth of analysis and reporting contribute to the final price.

In this guide, I’ll look into that in detail.

But first, let’s discuss what goes into an SEO audit and the different types.

What is an SEO Audit?

An SEO audit is a thorough check-up of your website to see how well it’s doing in search engines. It helps find areas where your site is strong and where it needs improvement.

Let’s take a closer look at the different parts of an SEO audit:

Technical Audit

his part of the audit looks at the technical aspects of your website. It checks things like broken links, duplicate content, and website speed. These technical factors can affect how well your site shows up in search results.

Competitive Audit

In this section of the audit, you compare your website to your competitors. You see what they’re doing well and where they might be ahead of you. Understanding your competition can help you make improvements to your own website.

Social Audit

This part of the audit looks at how your website is performing on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. It checks things like how many people are liking, sharing, and commenting on your posts. Social media can be a powerful tool for driving traffic to your website, so it’s important to see how well you’re doing on these platforms.

Content Audit

Content is king when it comes to SEO, so this part of the audit focuses on your website content. It looks at things like the quality of your blog posts, the keywords you’re using, and how well your content is optimized for search engines. Making sure your content is high-quality and relevant to your audience is key to improving your SEO.

Link Audit

Most probably it’s the last section of the audit that examines the links pointing to your website from other sites. It looks at things like the quality and quantity of these links. High-quality, relevant internal links can help improve your website’s authority and credibility in the eyes of search engines.

Which SEO Audit Should You Do?

How Much Does an SEO Audit Cost?

For the best results, it’s good to do a complete SEO audit that covers all these areas. This can really boost how well your site does in search engines.

Having a high rank in search results can make a big difference for your business. When your website is strong and uses good SEO techniques, it can show up higher in search results for important keywords. A thorough SEO audit can also make your site faster and more user-friendly.

About 75% of the audience only looks at the first page of search results, getting your site there can bring in a lot of visitors. When those visitors are interested in what you offer, they’re more likely to sign up for your newsletter or buy your products.

So, what does this mean for your business? More sales, leads, and conversions, which means more money coming in. With extra money, you can grow your business by hiring more people, offering new services, or launching new products. That’s the power of a comprehensive SEO audit.

Why is SEO Audit Important?

Now that I’ve covered the different parts of an SEO audit, let’s talk about why it’s important to do one.

  • Find ways to improve: The audit shows what parts of your website you can make better, so more people can find it.
  • Beat the competition: See what other websites are doing well and learn from them. This can help you get more visitors than them.
  • Fix problems: The audit can find things that are slowing your website down or confusing visitors. Fixing these can make your website work better.
  • Understand your visitors: Learn more about the people who visit your website. This can help you create content they will like, which will make them visit more often.

How Much Does an SEO Audit Cost in 2024?

The price of an SEO audit varies based on factors like the size and goals of the website. Generally, SEO audits can range in price from $650 to $14,000 for a comprehensive report, though some basic audits can be found for as low as $350.

This is the price range that most companies follow when they do a detailed SEO audit and give you a report about it.

If you want a detailed SEO audit for your website, I strongly recommend KT Soft. They are one of the top SEO consultants, offering great customer service and pricing.

However, If you’re not satisfied with your current SEO consultant, you can try a local SEO audit on platforms like Fiverr. The price of an SEO audit on Fiverr can be different, ranging from $5 to $770.

Here’s what you can expect for different prices:

  • Basic audit (under $100): This will find simple technical issues.
  • Standard audit ($100-$300): This covers more technical problems and might check your content and competition a bit.
  • Advanced audit (over $300): This is a detailed audit that looks at everything that might impact your SEO.

What Makes SEO Audits Cost More or Less?

The price of an SEO audit can be $650 to $14,000. However, there are a bunch of things that decide how much you’ll have to pay for one.

The cost of an SEO audit varies based on factors like the scope, complexity, and the provider you choose. Factors influencing audit pricing include the size of your business and the depth of the analysis required. Get quotes from different companies and compare rates before budgeting for audits.

How Much Does an SEO Audit Cost?

Let’s take a look at them:

1. Website Size

The size of your website is a significant factor in the pricing of an SEO audit. Larger websites with more pages require more time for evaluation. Therefore, a website with 150 pages will likely pay more for an audit compared to one with only 100 pages.

It’s important not to skimp on auditing only a few pages to save money, as this may provide only a partial view of your SEO strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, serious errors like 404 pages may go unnoticed. Many agencies charge higher prices based on the number of web pages audited. Depending on your website’s size, you may need to request a custom quote.

3. Audit Inclusions

Different SEO agencies offer various audit features. Some include a link audit, while others prioritize the technical audit. The services included in an audit package can affect its price. Agencies offering comprehensive audits may charge more than those offering basic technical audits.

Before choosing an agency, consider whether they can customize their services to meet your specific needs. Top agencies tailor their services to clients from different industries, from implementing SEO strategies to conducting audits.

3. Agency Size

The size of the agency also impacts the cost of an SEO audit. Smaller agencies with fewer team members may charge less than larger agencies with extensive capabilities. However, larger agencies can handle a higher workload due to their larger teams, allowing them to offer competitive prices.

While both small and large agencies have their benefits, larger agencies are often more established and proficient, providing detailed and actionable audit reports.

4. Agency Experience

The agency’s experience affects the SEO audit cost. If you work with a highly experienced agency, you get benefits like staying updated with the latest SEO techniques.

Experienced agencies usually charge more due to their expertise. Investing in such agencies can greatly improve your website’s performance and profits.

5. Turnaround Time

If you need your SEO audit done fast, it might cost you more. Rush services are added to the bill. But if time isn’t urgent, you can skip the extra expense. The cost depends on your website’s size, how soon you need it, and the agency’s rules.

Choosing a bigger agency could help if you want a quick audit and fixes. They often handle things faster.

6. Audit Implementation

Lots of agencies offer help after an SEO audit, making things easier for your team. The cost of this help depends on how big the problems found in the audit are.

It’s smart to hire a good agency with skilled people. They can fix things fast and well. Talk about the cost of fixing stuff with the agency before you start. Make sure it fits your budget.

How Long Does an SEO Audit Take?

The perfect SEO audit takes about 30 to 45 days. In some cases, you might even complete it within a week. Using a free SEO checker tool can give you instant results.

The duration of your website’s SEO audit hinges on its size. If your site consists of 10 to 20 web pages, you might only need a week for the audit. Conversely, if your website boasts over 100 web pages, the audit may extend beyond 45 days.


Is it worth it to get an SEO Audit?

No matter how much you spend on an SEO check-up, it’s definitely worth it. It helps you understand your competition and makes your website work better.

What are some of the best tools for an SEO Audit?

Some good tools for an SEO audit are:

Summing Up

I hope you have an idea of how much does an SEO audit costs.

It’s not enough to know about the cost; you also need to understand the factors that I’ve mentioned above. Yes! Because they decide how much you’ll pay for it.

Khizer Tariq<span class="bp-verified-badge"></span>

Khizer Tariq

Khizer Tariq is a Copywriter, SEO executive, and tech enthusiast with more than 8 years experience. He is running popular blogs in the traveling, mobile & pc gaming, technology, banking & finance, education, and motivational speakers industries. Moreover, KT is teaching and making helpful content on different platforms like Facebook & youtube. You can follow Khizer Tariq on Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram.

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